Friday 23 September 2011


Life at time can be funny or maybe should i say crazy. Its like you are surrounded by all these people in your life (family and friends ) after a while you start to think who you really need in your life.

Wednesday 1 June 2011


So for time now l have wanted to change my hair style. l have finally decided its time for change now so l have decided to go for this look. l went on a website that tells me how it will look like, l had to try it out and this is what l came out with.
 Sorry for the avatar look lol . It will look good with my style for example: 
  • Maxi skirts 
  • Maxi dresses
  • floral tops 
  • jumpsuit 

Sunday 29 May 2011


These are the most wanted items for this summer. 

So as you can see I have a pic of the Galaxy s , well this is the story. My baby (boyfriend) who I adore, brought me the phone I have wanted it for long I think its better than a blackberry. Sorry blackberry lovers.  I love it. Thank you Oggz x x x 

Saturday 28 May 2011

Fashion Baby


This is my first time blogging hopefully will find it good. actually my twin sister is the one who introduced me to this and I find it really interesting as it gives you the chance to express yourself the way you want. 

I have an interest in 

  • Music 
  • Fashion 
  • Art 
  • Interior art 
Well I hope you will enjoy my blog as it is going to be a mixer of my interest. Thank you